Moving On...

Our journey began on August 9, when we said "goodbye" to Eastside Christian Church.  Unlike other professions, ministry links "church" and "job" in a unique way.  So when pastors leave their job, they usually leave their church family at the same time.   Eastside had been our home for more than 20 years, so this was not an easy parting.   

But when you feel the nudge of God...and it turns into a persistent push...and then a firm, yet loving, kick in the seat of the know it's time to move on.   So we both resigned and embarked on a journey of faith into an unknown future.   

We're on a spiritual sabbatical this fall.  We know that we will return to pastoral ministry, but we don't know where or when.  Our watchword for this season is: "Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you...."  So we're spending time with the Father and with each other, striving to un-busy and un-clutter our lives so we can hear him better.  And we're trusting that He will return us to ministry in His timing.