God is Speaking…are We Listening? [Part 1]

I’ve had a handful of spiritual experiences in my life that I describe as “wild, weird, and wonderful.” These are incredible, out of the ordinary moments, when God steps into my life in a supernatural way. I don’t go looking for such events, but I want to be open to them when they happen. I wrote about one of these in an earlier post (“No Shortcuts with God”, March 16, 2010) and last year I had another one.

I was standing in the church lobby on a Sunday morning, when a man came in that I did not recognize. He marched right up to Rob, our Associate Minister, and said, “I need to speak to the preacher of this church.” Rob pointed me out. This man came over to me, placed his hands on my shoulders, looked me closely in the eye, and said (in a loud and forceful voice), “My name is Bill and I have a word from the Lord for you. Will you receive it?”

That’s a rather unusual way to open a conversation, isn’t it?

In our particular branch of God’s family, we don’t talk like this. We don’t expect people to show up, out of the blue, with “a word” from God. I was familiar with the concept, but not entirely comfortable with what was happening.

Yet I knew that Bill believed the Holy Spirit was directing him, and I was curious about his message. I did not actually know whether or not I would be able to “receive” what he said without first hearing the message. After all, Scripture tells us to evaluate what we hear that is offered to us as a prophecy (1 Corinthians 14:29). So after a moment of hesitation I said “Yes”, prepared to listen and try to discern if God really was speaking through him during this moment.

Bill said, “The next time you plan your sermons, God wants you to do so with your Bible open, in an attitude of prayer. He wants you to listen carefully and preach the truth.” Bill then prayed over me, asking God to bless me and to bless our church. 

We had a brief conversation and I learned that he never had visited our church before, nor did he know anyone in our congregation. He did not come to attend worship…he came solely to bring me this message. All week long, he said, the impression had been growing that he needed to stop by and give me this “word”. I thanked him for being faithful to do what he believed God was telling him to do, and then he left to attend worship at the church he attends (nearly 12 miles away).

Not a typical way to start a Sunday morning at church!

All of this was far outside my usual experience. It wasn’t bad, but it was a bit uncomfortable. And the very unusual nature of what took place… along with the fact that Bill was a total stranger… made it easy to think, “That guy is an oddball and I can just write him off.”

And yet…what’s not to like about the message Bill gave me? I always prepare my sermons in an attitude of prayer with my Bible open. After all, I cannot have perfect knowledge about what the people in our church need to hear. Only by praying, and trying to listen, can I discern what God wants me to say next. What Bill said was a marvelous affirmation of the way that I prepare messages.

On the other hand, looking at Bill’s comment objectively, God could have sent this same message to every pulpit minister that day and it would apply. Any preaching minister could…and should…gladly receive such a message. Shouldn’t every one of us prepare our messages with an open Bible and a heart open to God?

In other words, it seemed like a fairly generic “word from the Lord.”

Yet Bill was convinced that this word was specifically for me, on this day, on behalf of our church. Was this in fact true? Was he right? Was God speaking to him and speaking through him?


I knew that this word truly was from God because of something that Bill did not know. Because of something Bill could not know.

That very afternoon I was leaving for a two-day study retreat to plan sermons for the next several months. 

Think about that: Bill showed up, with a message from God about sermon preparation, on the very day I was getting ready to start preparing future sermons. Clearly this was not a coincidence.

So I chose to receive what Bill said as a prophetic word from our loving God. I received this as a wake-up call to pay extremely close attention as I was studying. I recognized that I needed to be listening carefully to God.

I had goose bumps, because God had shown up in my life in an amazingly dramatic way. It was a wild, weird, and wonderful experience. God was speaking to me. He was speaking to me about my responsibility to listen carefully on behalf of our church.

The result of my study retreat was a series of messages that led our church through the Book of 1 Peter. And week after week, people in the church commented just how timely these sermons were for them individually. The series turned out to be quite timely in the life of our entire church, because it showed all of us how to live as men and women of faith in a culture that is rapidly turning away from God.

All of this was tremendously encouraging. It reminded us that God watches over us. He watches out for us. He has our best interests at heart.

God wanted to make sure that we spent time in the Book of 1 Peter. He wanted to catch my attention and make sure that I did not miss what He wanted to say to me. So our Loving Father sent the Spirit to prompt Bill – a complete stranger – to bring me a word of prophecy.

It was uncomfortable, it was out of ordinary, and therefore it would have been easy to discount or even ignore it. But I could not. It was a manifestation of the Holy Spirit for the good of our church.

God was speaking. There have been many other times when I know I have missed His voice. I am so thankful that on this particular morning, I was willing to listen.

-       Bruce