The Abundant Life….Life-Giving!

I have always believed that God desires us to have a full life…an abundant life (John 10:10). A life filled with all the good things that He offers, such as joy and peace and contentment. But during this last year, I was jolted when I realized that I was teaching this to others, but was no longer experiencing it myself. I felt stressed, tired, depleted (emotionally and even spiritually). I started to wonder, “Where is this abundant life that Jesus offers? How and where did I lose it?”

I’ve been reflecting on this topic for about six months now, and I think God is starting to give me His answer: I lost my sense of God’s abundant life because I stopped including “life-giving activities” in my regular routine.

I became caught up in the “ have to’s” and the “should’s” and the “musts”…and then felt like I never could do enough to keep up. I became too embroiled in tasks that demanded attention, but did not feed my heart and my soul. I became consumed by administrative tasks which steered me away from people and kept me chained to my desk and my computer. All of this pressed me down…and the result was too many days that were “life-robbing” instead of “life-giving.” 

So I missed opportunities to be creative, to soak in beauty, to laugh, to spend time in meaningful ways with others, and even just to rest – truly rest – from my labor. I allowed my heart to be trapped, and along the way... little by little…I lost a sense of the abundant life. It happened slowly, over time, so I did not fully realize how depleted I was. But now, thankfully, I can feel myself changing; I can feel myself grasping for the fun, the excitement, and the awesome mystery that Christ offers as we live life with Him.

So instead of being controlled by the tyranny of the urgent, I’m savoring each moment. I’m receiving each day as a special gift from the Father, and I try to show appreciation for His gift by looking for fresh ways to engage in life-giving activities. Most of all, I’m deeply grateful that God has given me this opportunity to recapture the abundant life.

- Julie