Gaining new insights into myself has been one of the great blessings of our sabbatical. I have to admit, though, that some of these insights can be painful to accept.
Sadly, I’ve realized that I am a “people pleaser”. This caught me a bit by surprise, because I certainly do not fit the typical profile of this kind of person. I have strong opinions. I’m often willing to take unpopular stands, or swim against the tide in order to do what is right. my relationships…I hate to disappoint people. I don’t like confrontation. And particularly within the church, I want to be perceived as loyal. The result? I wind up saying “yes” to too many things. I wind up taking on jobs and roles that are not part of my primary calling.
When God called me out of the business world and into ministry back in 1990, it was clear that my ministry was to primarily focus on the proclamation of His Word. And for the first few years, that is what I did. But somewhere along the way, I lost sight of this ministry priority. Why? Because God has given me an above average ability to organize people and programs and events. So the church – while affirming my teaching gifts – kept asking me to take on more and more operational tasks. And for the reasons noted above, I kept saying “yes”.
I know that I accomplished a lot of good, and I know that I helped the church. But I now recognize that this was, to a certain extent, a betrayal of my calling.
God has used this season to remind me of my primary purpose: to preach and teach His Word. This is so crystal clear that I feel as if I have rediscovered myself.
This clarity is vital as I begin to look for work, because it gives me deep confidence to say “no” to ministry opportunities that do not line up with God’s plan. When you’re out of work, it’s tempting to accept the first decent job that comes along. I’ve already had people ask me to take on various administrative, organizational, and operational roles. In each case, I’ve said “no”. I’ve said it with confidence, and I’ve said it with peace in my soul. Because as I’ve rediscovered myself, I’ve recaptured the essence of what God is calling me to do.
- Bruce