This season of sabbatical truly has been transformational, because I am recalibrating my life in significant ways. I am making more time for the things that truly count, and I am learning how to say “no” to tasks and responsibilities that logically belong to others.
Now that 2010 has arrived, I’m starting to look for a new ministry position. This process probably will not move forward quickly, so our sabbatical will continue for at least a few more months. I’m grateful to have this opportunity to invest in my personal growth and development.
Having the time to do this vital work truly is a gift, and this morning I felt some chagrin that I did not seize the moment earlier in my life. And then I realized that this gift comes at a cost…and I had to reach a certain point of desperation before I was willing to count the cost.
Julie and I are not high wage earners…we’re not sitting on pots of excess money…so quitting our jobs was not as easy decision. We do not want to live on debt, so we decided to pay our bills by using assets that were earmarked for “the future”. Needless to say, there is a certain amount of risk involved in this. Ministers typically don’t get cushy pensions, so we have to rely on ourselves for our retirement years. It’s hard to decide to deliberately shrink the nest egg you’ve been trying to build. But as we wrestled with this decision, I sensed God saying to us, “Are you going to rely on me, or are you going to rely on yourselves?” (Luke 12:16-21).
So while choosing not to work for a season was a big step of faith, the decision about how to fund our sabbatical also was a big step of faith. But without these risks, Julie and I would not be enjoying the gift of our sabbatical. Without these risks, we would not be drawing closer to God and to each other. Without these risks, I would not be able to so clearly discern God’s “next steps” for my life. (I’ll have more to say about that last comment in a future post).
All of this is a huge lesson for me; a reminder that to enjoy God’s gifts I must pursue them. I must claim them. At times, I must take risks to enjoy them and experience them. But when I step out in faith, I get to enjoy His presence and His touch in ever new ways. And that is the greatest gift of all.
- Bruce