almost two years, Bruce and I used this blog to chronicle our time of
transition, from leaving our ministries in California, to our first seven
months of life here in Oregon. And then
we took a break from blogging. Now, after
more than a year, it seems appropriate to once again share about our life and
ministry here in Oregon, with a particular emphasis on an unfolding dream: a place of beauty and rest, where women can
come for moments of spiritual renewal.
a blog post written by Bruce in 2009 (“My Dreams for Julie, posted 12/12/2009),
he shared about my call to pastoral ministry,
shaped through the many years of service at our church in Southern California,
and confirmed through all that took place during our Sabbatical. He said he had dreams for me, and his fervent
prayer was that these dreams would come to pass, so that I could use my gifts
and talents for Kingdom purposes.
One of those dreams was to create a gathering place. A room of quietness and beauty, where I could
meet with women individually and in groups. Where I could lead women through times of
spiritual refreshment. Where I could
teach women how to have meaningful times of personal reflection, Scripture
contemplation, and prayer. His dreams also included a place where I
could write devotional articles that would address the deepest needs of women;
a way to share my heart for ministry through the written word.
Needless to say, it meant a great deal to
have my husband articulate this prayer of dreams that were important to
Seven months later I wrote a blog titled “Pursuing A God-Sized Dream” (posted 07/16/2010). I acknowledged the frenetic pace which I had lived for so many years, and the realization that many others – particularly women – do the same thing. Because of my concerns, I had an idea to create a place for women to relax, experience beauty and serenity, and draw closer to God.
But this idea never took on any concrete
form. It just continued to be a vague,
unformed concept that I might pursue someday.
The months passed and these dreams simmered. They were ever present, but there was little
change or activity.
And then, one day in April of 2010, God begin
pouring plans – specific and concrete plans – into my mind. For the first time, the dreams started to
become real as God gave me a clear vision.
A vision of prayer rooms, restful gardens, and colors. A vision to touch the hearts and souls of
Since that day, the Lord has continued to
feed me details about how to bring this vision to life. And – as Bruce has prayed with me about these
details - he has agreed with me that this is a vision from God.

And so the months have passed. We started our life here in Oregon, renting a 100-year old farmhouse from a member of our congregation. We quickly fell in love with the stately trees, and the wrap-around porch. This place speaks of history, and beauty, with many squirrels feasting on our nuts, and our sweet neighbor’s outdoor bunny, Farnsworth, hopping from pasture to orchard, and back. After almost two years of waiting, and praying, we believed it was time to buy this home and property; and to begin building “The Lavender Pavilion”.

We are not sure of all the steps that need to
be taken, but we are aware of many of them…and they seem daunting. Energy, time, money will be required along
the way, and we do not know how these pieces will fall into place. But God has continued to lay this vision on
our hearts – through our move, through transitions, through various jobs, and
seasons. And the vision becomes increasingly clear with
each passing day.

So as we take each step, in faith, we simply
trust that God will reveal the step after that… and the step after that.
planted this dream in my soul more than two years ago and now I can see it so
clearly in my mind. And now we are
taking the first steps to make this dream a reality. Thank
you, Lord.