Moving Forward

Our move here to Oregon was truly a life-changing event.  A new church and new jobs.  A completely new environment, with entirely new flora and fauna and weather patterns.  New friends.  New stores. 

We truly “started over”. 

We’ve immersed ourselves in our new life here in the southern end of the Willamette Valley, and it has been consuming as we get to know people and places and culture.  As a result of these demands on our time, we took an extended break from blogging.   

But we are now moving forward.   

We are re-starting this blog and we plan to post again on a more consistent basis.  We’ll be writing about different aspects of faith in this new season of life.  And we’ll be updating you about Julie’s unfolding vision for The Lavender Pavilion.  God gave her this vision more than two years ago…in our former home…but it seems that the vision is for this place and this time.  We do not yet know how long it will take to implement and become a reality, but we will move forward one step at a time and see what God brings about.

- Bruce