My life is full of “loose ends”: unfinished household projects, ideas for articles I want to write, dreams of new ministry opportunities to pursue, sermons I want to preach that aren’t even written yet…and more.
Some of this is the result of procrastination; much of it is the result of choosing to work long hours at two different jobs to help meet the financial needs of our family. There simply has not been much extra time during the past several years.
Unfortunately, all of these loose ends contribute to a sense of being overwhelmed; to feeling a bit out of control. Sometimes I wonder “will I ever catch up?”
One of the great joys I’ve experienced this fall is to have more breathing space: to slow down and smell the roses; to truly live in the moment. And as windows of time have opened up, I’ve been tackling many of the loose ends dangling around my life.
One project has been a particular millstone around my neck: a sunken brick patio in a back corner of our yard. I started this project four years ago when I dug out the earth and built a small gazebo. Since then, work only has occurred sporadically. But now, just in the past few weeks, I’ve made major progress: laying the last of the bricks, running conduit, wiring some lights (with help from my son), setting up a small fountain. The end is in sight…and boy, does it feel good! We’ll actually be able to use this patio in the near future, rather than stare at an unfinished hole in the ground.
As I tie up my loose ends, one-by-one, it brings a sense of completion and wholeness. But just as importantly, I think this is an outward picture of what God is doing within me.
He’s tying up the loose ends within my heart and within my soul…and He’s slowly bringing me to a place of peace and contentment and wholeness that I’ve never before experienced.
- Bruce